Target Shooting
Target rifle shooting is a sport that rewards guile and experience and not just strength and enthusiasm. The OHRC reflects this with a membership that spreads across several generations. There is also a variety of abilities from Queen’s Prize contenders to once-a-year shooters.
The main activity of the Club is full-bore shooting at Bisley during the season from March to October. Four practice sessions are also open to guests. Experienced members provide wind-coaching and this is also permitted in competitions. OHRC also enters the London & Middlesex Rifle Association League (two teams) and other LMRA events.
A significant day is the Public Schools veterans match on the Thursday evening of the Imperial Meeting in July, usually followed by a dinner. In recent years OHRC has entered up to 17 old boys and 3 teams. This event draws members who are not normally available to shoot with the OHRC either because they are at University or live at a distance (even overseas).
The first event match is usually the Hertfordshire Clubs Match, the main challenge of which is to be the team that comes second: the winners organise the next year’s match!
The club is always looking for new members to introduce, or re-acquaint, with the sport. It makes no difference if you have never fired a shot, or have won the Queen’s prize! If you are interested then please don’t hesitate to contact one of the club officials below:
PRESIDENT: Richard Winney
CAPTAIN: David Raeburn
TREASURER: Charlie Freeman
SECRETARY: Peter Winney